travel workouts
25-Min Lower-Focused Dumbbell Workout
5 Rounds, resting as little as possible:
1 Min Run/Bike/Jumping Jacks/Jog in place/Butt Kickers
20 step back lunges (10 - 15lbs)
15 Squat to Press (Thrusters - using same dumbbells)
10 Burpees
NO EQUIPMENT Full Body Workout (25 minutes)
20 Min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
20 Alternating forward lunges (no weight!)
5 Sit Ups
5 Alternating V-Ups or Tuck Ups (10 total)
20-Minute Easy-Pace At-Home Bodyweight Workout
10 Push-ups or 10 incline push-ups
10 bodyweight squats or 10 bodyweight jump squats
10 bear crawls
10 jumping jacks
Rest 30 seconds after all 4 movements
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
Outdoor Kettlebell Workout
Every 5 Min for 4 Rounds
Run or bike 400 Meters (around the block)
20 KB Swings
*complete 1 round, then rest the remainder of the 5 minutes. Go again at the beginning of the next 5 minute interval
Lower Focused Dumbbell Workout (40 minutes)
Part A
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts on Right leg
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts on Left leg
20 unweighted squats
Rest 1 min
Repeat 4x
Part B
Rest 1 min
4 Rounds
Part C
21 reps of all 4, alternating from one movement to the next -
Then 15 reps of all 4
Then 9 reps of all 4
Lunges (each leg)
20-Minute Full Body Bodyweight Workout
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 Min)
30 Mountain Climbers
5 Pull Ups (with a door pull-up bar) or 5 ring rows
10 Push Ups
15 Squats (weight optional)
45 min Upper-Body Focused Strength Workout - Dumbbells
3 Rounds:
1min max reps Bench Press or Floor Press or Push-ups
Immediately into 1min max reps of Pull-Ups or Ring Rows or Bent Row
Rest 90 seconds - 2 mins after completing both *take breaks as needed in the 1 minute
3 Round circuit
10-15 overhead dumbbell press
10 - 15 step ups holding dumbbells
6-8 shoulder taps in plank, with a pause on each rep
Then: 30 seconds max rep bicep curls / 30 seconds max rep tricep kickbacks / 30 second rest x 3
45 min Upper Body Focused Strength Workout - Dumbbells
Circuit 1:
15 reps dumbbell push press
15 reps dumbbell bent over row
30 hollow rocks
x4 sets, rest 60 seconds after all 3
Circuit 2:
20 reps alternating top-down floor press
20 plank rows
20 dead bugs
x4 sets, rest 60 seconds after all 3
Circuit 3:
2 mins of work / 1 min of rest x 3 - 4 rounds
10 push ups
start where you left off after each round
20 - 40 min Lower Body Focused Strength Workout - Dumbbells
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
20 step ups holding dumbbells at sides
1 min plank hold
-rest 1 - 2 mins before moving on -
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
15 jump squats
15 push ups on knees or at an incline
-rest 1 - 2 mins before moving on -
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
10 single leg glute bridge per side
-rest 1 - 2 mins before moving on -
Repeat if you desire :)
Full Body Focused Strength Workout - Dumbbells
5 Rounds Through:
30 second Dual KB Rack Wall Sit
10 Dual Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
6 - 10/leg Front Rack Forward Lunge
3 Rounds:
12- 15 dumbbell glute bridge - band around knees optional
6 - 8 bird dogs per side
Optional HIIT finisher;
Kettlebell Swings or Thrusters
3 Sets
Top-Down Alternating Dumbbell Curls x 6-8/arm
Side Plank Dumbbell Powell Raise x 6-8/arm
Hollow Body Rocks x 20